
Why Is My Mac Running Slow Simple Tips To Speed Up Your Mac!

There is nothing more annoying and frustrating then a slow computer, especially an Apple Mac. It is common knowledge that every computer will dip in爌erformance燼t some爌oint. Just like humans, the爋lder燼 machine gets the slow it becomes. I燿on't know if it is爐he prestigious爎eputation or爐he爓allet emptying cost of this brand name, but I always find it that bit more infuriating when my Mac runs slow.If you are currently at your wits end and putting up with a爏nail爌ace Apple爉ac, listen up as here are some爏imple爐ips to speed up your爐ired machine.Tip OneThere are several things that we燾an look燼t in爋rder爐o find out what is燾ausing爕our mac to燾onsiderably爏low down. The first is to look at how many windows and燼pplications爕ou are running at any one time.It is true the mac boasts of being able to爌erform爉any燾omplicated爐asked at a time. In the燽eginning爐his function does work well, but as the moths roll on and your macs disk爏pace begins爐o fill up爓ith the latest燼pps and movie downloads, the燼bility爋f爎unning programs爏ide by side, will start to get a bit foggy.Just like us, the fewer tasks we take on board at once,爐he燽etter we will perform at them. The same goes for a computer.I爎ecommend爐hat you have no more than two爌rograms爋pen at any one time.Tip twoPerhaps爄t is爊ot so much爕our mac desktop that is燿riving you barmy, but the slow營nternet browser. If you are燼damant爐hat it is your a爌oor Internet provider that爄s燾ausing these爌roblems, then lets take a look at your mac.If this is the case, there are爏everal爐hings we can try to爐ackle爐his problem.Whilst爕ou are surfing爐he爓eb it is best to limit your tabs and windows to as few as possible. The爉ore爕ou have open and the more pages are loading at the same time, the slower the爌erformance爋f the mac will be.Tip 3When爓as the last time you cleaned out and燿eleted爕our燽rowsing history燼nd cache?If you are wrecking your brain for answers then it must have been a long time ago. Just like cleaning out your爃ardrive, it is essential to燿e-clutter爐he memory爋f爕our燽rowser.Think about how many pages you flick through a燿ay爋n the爄nternet, now燾alculate爋ver just one month, how many cached images and history is爂etting stored爋n your browser? I bet a lot. You simply need to燿elete爐his info by燾licking on爐he name of your燽rowser爄n爐he爐ool bar and then clicking on preferences. It will then give you options to燿elete the cache and history.If after all this your爄nternet爄s still loading爌oorly, then i suggest trying a燿ifferent燽rowser. The top browsers for a mac are燤ozilla Firefox燼nd Chrome. They爊aturally爃ave a爈ot爏nappier speed than the default Safari.Saving The Best Till Last, Fourth And Final TipIf After going through all the simple tips above and you still have no luck, there is only one thing left to do - clean your mac.I don't mean爂et out your flash and爁eather燿uster, it is not the outside of the computer that is causing Mac Running Slow, it is the inside.99.9% of the time a slow mac computer is due to a clogged up爃ardrive.Countless files, folders, data, apps and爏oftware's爐hat we didn't even know we had, get lost inside your computer, taking up valuable space and causing your whole computer to slow down.Luckily there is a very simple solution to fix this, use a mac cleaner.All the best cleaning sofwares provide a FREE Trial, so you don't even need to spend any money. I used a Mac cleaning爏oftware's燼nd lest just say this, i wish i had discovered it sooner!It cleared off an amazing 45gb爋f space, and my mac was only 6moths old. I had no idea i had that much rubbish stored. After a good clean at the燾lick爋f a button, my beloved mac is running as good as new.So if all else fails,燿ownloading燼 mac cleaner燿efinitely爄s the way to go!

